Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday and a lite lunch

So we had one appt today with four wineries arranged by the distributors. So we winded out way to the Bovio Restaurant in Amore. Just on the side of hte hill before th town which sits atop the hill...Vana...the GPS got us there the hard way but got us there! Here is a view FROM THE RESTAURANT! The wine owners...three men...very nice..Carlo??? and two others...both sons who had taken over the family business and Sylvia...who was hoping iwth age that her father would let her take over the vinyard and not just work in the office. Sylvia spoke almost perfect English but was feeling a bit under the weaher due to what she thought were some bad mushrooms...she pointed out her famly's vinyard from the antage point in the picture above. They were all charming and poured their own wines for us during our 6 course lunch...a rabbit turrin, then a quiche iwth cheese fondue...a tagglionni with ragu...oh anf this veal dish they serve here...thinly sliced veal (cooked), think lunch meat....with what they calla tuna sauce...yummo!Above is the quiche. Then a potroast type dish made with the barello...local grape...aspargus...fresh...and the dolci was panette...which looks like flan but taste much better and we were told invented in this town.
Ok so clearly I dont have the picture thing down! 15 wines...3 hours...yummy food what more could a person ask for. Ellen gets their wine so I didnt buy any in town to carry home...hoping I will have no problem getting them.


Page said...

Yikes! Bad mushrooms....:) Glad you are enjoying yourself!

BoilerRose said...

Hi Mo!
Sounds like you are enjoying yourself in my homeland of Italia! Wish I were there to enjoy it with you. Your photos are fantastically beautiful! Thanks for sharing. When do you return home?